Dozen Red Roses Bouquet

Dozen Red Roses Bouquet
Dozen Red Roses Bouquet
Product Code: DozenRedRosesBouquet
Delivery: Nationwide Delivery

These red roses are a classic way to say “I Love You!” Send them on your anniversary or special day, and your loved one will know for sure you do. roses have forever signified romance. Here they are nestled between woody greenery berries. It is no wonder that these treasured flowers have been able to touch so many hearts; the velvety softness of the petal, the rich fragrance of the flower, and the electrifying and refreshing effects on the eye ignites countless memories and new desires. The sensation is unforgettable, and we anticipate that our luscious red roses bouquet will be a truly intoxicating experience in flowers.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.

Price: $35.69


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