This vase of alstroemeria, known as Peruvian lilies, will add vibrant color to any room. This colorful bouquet contains 25 stems of Lilies, each stem with multiple blooms. To allow these beautiful flowers to last much longer, they are shipped fresh, budding, and ready to bloom.
Our Deluxe Hugs and Kisses bouquet contains 20 ruby red tulips and 20 deep blue iris. One of our most popular bouquets, it captures the many moods of the heart, with the sensual blue of the iris balanced by the heat and passion of the red tulips. A great gift for lovers.
Our Deluxe Hugs and Kisses bouquet contains 20 ruby red tulips and 20 deep blue iris. One of our most popular bouquets, it captures the many moods of the heart, with the sensual blue of the iris balanced by the heat and passion of the red tulips. A great gift for lovers.
Send a sunny splash of color and brighten their day with this vibrant bouquet of Peruvian lilies, mixed with multi-colored roses. Symbolic of friendship and devotion, each stem of Peruvian lily has multiple blooms and is sure to warm their heart.
This mixed bouquet is sure to impress! It is crafted from our ever popular Stargazer lilies and blue iris, and is a spectacular way to celebrate any occasion! A great new baby gift, perfect for housewarmings, and "welcome home" events.
Imagine the overwhelming sense of abundance when your recipient opens the box to this splash of color--from deep red to blush pink to delicate salmon tones and bright yellow. These long-stemmed roses are cut, shipped, and packed within days, so when they arrive at your beloved's door, they will remain bold and beautiful
This vase of one dozen, South American Roses is an absolute favorite! The length of these roses creates a fuller, more compact look than their longer stemmed alternatives. To allow these beautiful flowers to last much longer, they are shipped fresh, budding, and ready to bloom.
The most delicate of all roses, the pink rose combines refinement and grace few floral displays can match. This striking dozen subtly meshes several shades of pink. The sheer beauty of these pink roses will take their breath away. A perfect gift for a dear friend, or for a love in bloom. To allow these roses to last much longer, they are shipped fresh from the fields.
Very popular plants, gardenias emit a delicate fragrance that
captures the attention of all who pass. A fine addition to any
decor. (Pot design may vary)
Note: Planter may vary
With blossoms like bright purple butterflies, this head-turning bouquet of Bombay Dendrobium Orchids will make people stop and say, Wow somebody really, really loves you. Regal long-lasting orchids: the perfect gift for elegant person with upscale tastes.
1 Dozen Red Roses and White Lily Arrange in a Bouquet with 16pcs Ferrero Rocher Chocolate.
1 Dozen Mixed Roses in a Vase with Small Size Pink Teddy Bear and Heart Shaped Ferrero
Note: Actual items may vary.
Soothe the senses with tranquil blooms. White snapdragons and roses mingle softly with green dianthus balls and viburnum. Help someone special unwind with this relaxing bouquet.
Exquisite! Commanding! Imagine the overwhelming sense of abundance when your recipient opens the box to this splash of color--from deep red to blush pink to delicate salmon tones and bright yellow. No lovelier statement can be made and these superb roses are hand-picked and dewy-fresh from the fields!
Note:vase deisign may vary
Our Spring Lilies bouquet is shipped in bud form, as most all lilies are. Here's why this is a good thing: watching these flowers open over the course of a few days is a gift in itself. Imagine your recipient's delight as each day their bouquet of lilies grows brighter and bigger, reminding them of your thoughtfulness for at least a week.